A RECENT annual report by Gloucestershire County Council has revealed a reduction in carbon emissions.
In its fifth annual report, the council cited its highlights, including over 100,000 trees planted in the last year, totalling 398,094 since 2020. It also said it purchases only green electricity in addition to decarbonising its estate.
The news comes following a recent article, which reported criticisms of the council’s “Swaps in Seconds” campaign, which looks to encourage a reduction of carbon emissions through resident action.
Cllr David Gray, Cabinet member for the environment at Gloucestershire County Council, said: “I am delighted with the progress we continue to make in tackling climate change.
“We remain on target to achieve our aim of making Gloucestershire a net-zero county by 2045 and have made significant progress in reducing the council’s own carbon footprint.
“Residents and businesses across the county play a huge role in helping to tackle climate change. Everyone can play a part in this effort, including by making small changes to our lifestyles, such as walking or cycling rather than using a car for local journeys, or opting to buy locally produced seasonal food generating fewer food miles. The county council will continue to work with our communities to focus on how we can further reduce emissions.”
The council says it is committed to achieving an 80 per cent reduction in corporate carbon emissions by 2030, striving towards 100 percent with carbon offsetting. Across Gloucestershire, it aims to have a net zero county by 2045.
More information about the report, the council’s recent “Swaps in Seconds” campaign, and the council’s plans for carbon net zero can be found via the Gloucestershire County Council website.
You can also find more information about how to reduce your carbon footprint online.