ON Sunday, August 11 Vicky Roberts and Lucy MacDonald from Spirit of Monmouth running club will be taking part in the Wyedean Ultra hosted by Rogue runs.
This is 34 mile race starting in Ross on Wye and it follows the Wye valley walk and the Offas Dyke paths all the way to Chepstow. The Spirit athletes will be taking on this challenge to raise funds for two charities close to their heart- The Brain Tumour Research ( Vicky's charity ) and LATCH ( Lucy's charity) - both charities are supporting close family members and friends.

“In April this year, Marc Wilding, my uncle and godfather was diagnosed with terminal Glioblastoma Multiform,” said Vicky.
“To say this was a devastating diagnosis for him, for the family and for his friends is an understatement. He has had a craniotomy to get rid of one of the tumours, which was successful and radiotherapy and chemotherapy started early June to fight off the inoperable
“We have seen first hand the affects of what this disease can do to a person and whilst Marc is absolutely fighting fit and taking it all in his stride (as those that know him would expect) anything we can do to help this community come up with a cure and further their research for what we know is an aggressive type of cancer, we will do!
“Multiple people will take part in multiple events across the next year to raise as much as we possibly can and we appreciate each and every one of you who support us along the way,” she added.
Fellow fundraiser Lucy has an equally personal reason for her run.
“Back in February a close friend and her family’s world got turned upside down, when their daughter was diagnosed with leukaemia. This has affected the whole family, but throughout these tough times LATCH has been there and will continue to help support this strong, brave and amazing family!
“LATCH was established forty years ago in 1983 by a group of families and friends who recognised that children diagnosed with cancer or leukaemia and their families not only needed medical support but also practical, emotional and financial support to ease the burden they face.
“The charity supports hundreds of children, young people and their families across Wales every year who are being treated at the Paediatric Oncology Unit at the Children’s Hospital for Wales,” explained Lucy.
Both Vicky and Lucy would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has already donated and sent their good luck wishes. If you haven't already and would like to please head over to their just giving pages.