Let’s not be mistaken, the cost-of-living crisis has not gone away and is still very real for many, but there is help and support available for those in our community who need it most.

As the days get shorter and the nights draw in, I know that many in the district will be worrying about heating bills, energy price rises, putting decent meals on the table and how to look after themselves and their homes in winter.

It is true that inflation is falling, but prices for most products and services are not falling at all. In fact, the cost of many goods and services are still rising rapidly compared to recent years.

Essentials such as food and drink are things that a lot of us take for granted, but as a District Council, we know that food banks in the Forest of Dean received record numbers of visitors over the past couple of years and unfortunately this shows no sign of slowing down.

Given these financial challenges, it’s especially important that our residents know that it is okay to ask for help. We want to support those in need and build resilient communities that work together to tackle national and societal challenges.

Between April 2023 and April 2024, the council distributed over £230,000 in funding on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions, from the Household Support Fund to several local causes including the Forest of Dean Baby Bank, Forest Foodbank, Citizens Advice, and many others to help provide support to those most in need in the Forest of Dean.

We also set aside £25,000 to provide vouchers to eligible residents to spend on energy efficient products to help bring about a long-term reduction in energy use and household costs. Working with local suppliers to support residents and the local economy.

As your district council, we’ll most likely receive a further Household Support Fund allocation  from the county council for the winter period and we’ll target this at those who need it most. In the meantime, there are lots of ways in which we can help now.

The Forest of Dean District Council website has a range of information available on a dedicated cost-of-living support page, from benefits that you may be entitled to claim for, including council tax support, to contact details for local groups and agencies, and details of our community team which can provide help and advice for residents.

Council tax support helps people on low income to pay their council tax and can be a real lifeline for many in the district. We’ve recently opened a consultation with two new proposed options for the tax year 2025-26 and need the views of as many residents as possible on what they believe to be the best option moving forward. Details of the consultation can be found online, or in reception at the district council offices in Coleford.

For those who receive pension credits, the winter fuel payment to help you pay your heating bills is something that you should receive automatically, and a letter will be delivered in October/November with further details. However, if you don’t receive a letter and think you are eligible for the winter fuel payment, the best thing to do is to contact the Winter Fuel Payment Centre on 0800 731 0160 for more information.

I understand that this time of year can be extremely difficult for some of our residents, but please don’t suffer in silence, reach out to the council, or local groups mentioned, and let us help you through this tough time.