I think we can confidently say that Autumn has arrived. Our dreams of an Indian summer, isn’t really going to materialise. Jumpers are not thought about, but just put on.

Leaves might not quite be changing colour and dropping off by the lorry load, but we can’t keep summer and stave off Autumn. We need the seasons and although we can always pick the negative and the bad in all four, there is much beauty to be found. Look back with fondness of your summer break, sunshine, sandcastles and splashing in the sea, but do look forward to all that is ahead, don’t see deadlines, darkness and downpours of rain. T

he writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us in chapter three and verse eleven, “He [God] has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” 

For me, it’s a verse to remind myself to be positive and see that this change in season is as God wants it to be, so it’s going to be for my good. As the verse ends, another reminder… God knows what He is doing!