I chuckled as a complete stranger looked at me laughing, and asked me to dance! We had never met before and I was not inclined to do so! Anyway, the supermarket was definitely not the place!

I laughed, he laughed and we resumed our shopping writes Methodist Minister Rev’d Michelle Ireland

We had repeatedly tried, like an hilarious comedy act to pass each other in the food aisle.

We had both stepped to the left, we had both stepped to the right, then straightaway back to the left again.

After the fourth failed attempt, the question was asked ‘ Shall we dance?’

The question needed no response and finally we managed to carry on with the task we came in for.

Life can be filled with mundane tasks such as shopping, washing, paying bills, every day tasks. Jesus himself needed to buy food, and as a carpenter faced splinters, bills and everyday jobs.

Today, don’t resent the ordinary responsibilities of life. Why not dance through the everyday tasks and smile in the mundane.

Today is a gift God has given you, whether cleaning the car, mending socks or putting out the bins. Indeed every good and perfect gift is from above.

Every single moment is a gift from God, enjoy them all and Keep dancing.