As summer has progressed I have been aware of the work of our local councils in providing flowers in our communities. In Lydney, where I live writes Father Barry Coker of Lydney

"Bee Hotels" of a rich variety of blooms and colours have marked the entrance to the town and flower displays enhance the town centre and the parks.

I am reminded that "All things bright and beautiful" is a popular hymn giving thanks to the Creator for the riches of the natural world.

Parks, gardens and flower displays may seem small matters against the huge challenges of wars, poverty and climate change but small can be beautiful and important.

Jesus commented on the beauty of the wild flowers that are "here today and gone tomorrow".

The Psalmist says  "we grow and flourish life a wild flower; then the wind blows on it, and it is gone".

But that is not the end of the story "for those who honour the Lord, his love last for ever".

So thank your local councils for giving us the beauty of flowers in our public spaces and thank you flowers for the God-given messages you convey.

God help us to take more notice of you and the delight you bring.