AN URGENT appeal has been issued by the Cotswolds Dogs and Cats Home (CDCH) today (Aug 15) to help save the life of Rupert, a tiny 6-week-old Shih Tzu puppy. 

CDCH said after a few minutes of arriving in their care, it became clear that Rupert has suffered a rectal prolapse that requires immediate life-saving surgery.

A rectal prolapse is a serious condition where part of the rectum protrudes from the body, causing pain and potential complications that could be fatal if left untreated.

CDCH said: “The increasing cost of veterinary care is putting a huge strain on many animal centres like ours, and Rupert's situation is a heart-breaking example of its impact on animals and their families. 

“Whilst CDCH supports many animals in our community through our low-cost vet clinic, to help keep happy animals in happy homes, sometimes, animals that are more vulnerable than others, make their way into our care. This little one is facing a serious condition that requires immediate surgery to save his life.

“We have a narrow window of time to get him the immediate surgery he needs TODAY. We need your help to give Rupert the fighting chance he deserves. Your donation, no matter how small, could make all the difference. 

“Together we can save a life and give this precious puppy the chance to grow up and experience the love and joy he deserves. Thank you for your compassion and support.”

A spokesperson added: "Despite his ordeal, Rupert has already shown us what a loving and affectionate pup he is. 

“Before being rushed to the vet's he enjoyed cuddles on my lap, soaking up all the love and attention he could. It's clear that he has so much love to give, and we are determined to give him the fighting chance he deserves."

You can find out more by visiting CDCH blog post. If you want to help, you can donate directly via their donation page.