SCHOOLS and community groups in Gloucestershire are being encouraged to take advantage of the Woodland Trust’s latest free tree giveaway. 

The trust’s initiative offers a chance to contribute to the UK’s ambitious goal of planting millions of trees to meet the 2050 carbon net-zero target. 

Since its inception in 2010, the charity has distributed 15 million saplings through its free trees scheme and the trust aims to add to this number, with the deadline for applications closing on Monday, August 26. 

Steve Shill, the trust’s senior project lead, emphasised the importance of community involvement in tree planting, and said: “Planting trees is such a simple action, but the collective impact can make a huge difference to people and the planet,” 

“Trees help nature, combat flooding, provide shelter, and reduce pollution. They unite communities, inspire pride, and bring huge benefits for mental wellbeing.” 

“Every school should have trees, but if you don’t have space to plant, don’t worry – you can still get involved in planting. Partner with a local community group or council to plant trees in a public space,” 

Interested groups can visit the Woodland Trust’s website to fill out a form and ensure their trees are on the way. The tree packs, funded by partners such as Sainsbury's, Lloyds Bank, OVO, Bank of Scotland, and Sofology, come in various sizes and types to suit different needs.