A house on a Newent estate can continue to operate as a children’s home beyond the three-year limit imposed by the Forest Council.

The council approved the use of the detached house in Onslow Road as a home for three children with learning disabilities between the ages of three and 17 in April last year.

The council imposed a three-year limit on the new use because of about the potential for noise and disturbance on people living nearby.

Heartland Group appealed to have the condition removed and planning inspector Tamzin Law has said it should be lifted.

The inspector said the main issue was whether the time limit was reasonable and necessary to safeguard the living conditions of nearby residents.

The appeal was told the home would try to replicate a family home.

There is a staff of 11 on a rota with three being at the home at any one time.

The inspector said that the use of the garden would be similar to that of it being used by a family, as would any noise and disturbance.

Tall fences around the garden would also limit disturbance and screen it from nearby houses.

The home’s noise control plan, good neighbour policy and management plan for the control of noise are reviewed annually.

Ms Law said this condition was sufficient to control any concerns about noise and disturbance.

She concluded: “While the proposal might result in slightly more visitors than than would be the case if the property were used as a single dwelling house…I do not find the number of visits, movements and activity would be likely to result in any material harmful effects upon on the living conditions of the occupiers of neighbouring properties.”