I HAVE been a member of St John's Church, Coleford all my life and wish to thank 'a concerned parishioner' for the well – written letter in The Forester of April 19.

Since so much accurate detail was given of the recent history of St John's, this person sensibly decided to share it with others who may be new in this parish.

Over the years there have been many fundraising events to cover normal repairs, organ repairs, new windows etc, however the present day building costs make attaining the complete restoration of the roof and electric wiring beyond the capabilities of the small worshiping community.

The church, though, is not just for those who worship there it is the parish church of Coleford and is bound up with some of the great moments of life such as birth, marriage and death as well as enabling hundreds of local people to attend the Remembrance Day service.

The church also houses war memorials – for example, the reredos is a memorial of the fallen after the 1914-18 war, while the pews are a memorial to those who gave their lives in the Second World War.

Past generations worked hard to give us this church and surely we all must agree that the present generation should, in turn, pass it on for future generations.

Desiree Rawle
