THE SOUTH WEST has dominated a recent table which revealed the top ten greenest cities in the UK. 

Analysis, carried out by sustainable toilet roll subscription service Oceans, found Bristol taking the top spot, Cheltenham in third and Exeter in fifth.

The group calculated the number of EV charging points and littering reports per 100,000 people in each location. 

They also looked at the average distance to the nearest park, the percentage of annual waste that’s recycled, and average monthly searches around key terms relating to eco-living per 100k residents.

Findings show that Bristol is the most environmentally friendly UK location, performing well across most ranking factors, having the second-highest average monthly searches of any city (494) and a recycling rate of 47%.

A spokesperson for Oceans said: “This study has certainly shown us that no particular region of the UK is better than any other, with the top ten containing cities from every corner of the country.

“It has become clear that all UK cities have room for improvement in one area or another, whether installing more EV charging points to keep up with demand or implementing more recycling initiatives to increase the amount of waste being sustainably reused.

“We hope this study will highlight the particular areas where cities need to improve and spark action to address these shortfalls in eco-friendly infrastructure.”

You can find the full table on Oceans’ website