WHEN Ann Cam Primary School found that it was short of funds to rebuild its outdoor swimming pool an idea was hatched to bring in additional income.
Clare Tovey set up a fundraising page and as part of this the Dymock Duck Race became a reality.
Using the River Leadon, which runs at the bottom of her Riverside Cottage garden in Ryton Road, a short course was devised and mapped out.
Ms Tovey said: “A few years back we held a fundraising duck race event for the rugby club that my son attends, which was very successful. I thought it was a good idea if the ducks resurfaced and were put to good use in raising money for the school pool.
“I didn’t quite expect the huge turnout we had on the Bank Holiday Monday. It was in the hundreds and queues developed with visitors wanting to take part in the main race of the day and buying ducks for The Quack National!

“We had already secured around £2,000 in ticket sales before the duck races were held and I believe we’ve raised an additional £1,000 during the day. This should be enough to cover the shortfall in funds for the swimming pool.”

The event, which included numerous duck-themed stalls, had five races, three of which were children’s race along with the corporate duck race which was won by John Burton of Moat Contracting.

The Quack National was won by Katie Couchman and in second place was Ali Coburn with Julie Cross in third position. Runners up were William Gibbos and Ollie Biddlecombe with his duck named Supercharger.

Every child at Ann Cam gets to use this pool in the summer term. The school has experienced local swimming teachers who give each child four lessons a week.

The original swimming pool at Ann Cam School was built by the parents of pupils of the school during the 70's. It has continued to be supported and run by the parents of the school over the decades. However the timber frame is now rotten and the liner has split which meant that the pool could no longer be used until a new one is rebuilt in its place.