COLEFORD is to get a £6 million retirement scheme right in the middle of town.
Councillors have given the go ahead for the care homes to be built at Bank Street.
The site has been used as a car park ever since the library and the community centre were demolished.
But now a housing association is to build 44 flats and five bungalows for elderly people, who need additional help to stop them going into residential care.
The development will comprise one bed and two bed specialist flats and communal facilities, such as an on-site cafe.
Work should start later this year, with the development finished by 2015.
Town councillors and shopkeepers raised concerns about the impact of losing so many car parking spaces.
Fears were also raised that it would increase flooding problems in the town centre and that nearby pavements would not be wide enough to cope with mobility scooters.
For the full story, pick up a copy of The Forester.