GRAHAM Wildin, the millionaire accountant who built a 10,000 sq ft leisure centre in his Cinderford back garden, continues to defy planning chiefs who want him to tear it down.

He claims that the complex in Meendhurst Road, which includes a 16-seat cinema, squash court, casino, bar and bowling alley, does not need planning permission.

The planning inspectorate ruled that the building is a ’bulky structure’ and ’totally out of scale and proportion with the surrounding development.’

After nearly two years of dispute the council has now given him a deadline of July 7 to demolish the extension or face prosecution.

But Mr Wildin said this week: “It’s not coming down. That is definite.

“The council have given notice at the end of which they will have to decide whether they are going to do anything or not. But there are a lot of legal issues involved.”

Mr Wildin says that because the leisure complex was dug 18ft into the ground it does not cause a visual impediment to his neighbours.

But a spokesman for the Forest of Dean District Council said: “There is an enforcement notice requiring the removal of unauthorised development.

“Mr Wildin has until July 7 to comply with the notice which has been endorsed by a planning inspector.

“Once the period for compliance with the notice has expired, Mr Wildin will be liable to further action, including prosecution in the courts for a breach of the notice.”