THE Mayor of Coleford, Cllr Nick Penny, met with young people to set up a Mayor’s Cadet scheme for the town.
Members of the army, air force, police and sea cadets and Girl Guides met Cllr Penny at the offices of Coleford Town Council on Wednesday, November 27.
After setting out his thoughts on the scheme, Cllr Penny said it was important the cadets should be responsible for the development of the role during their one-year term of office.
This years cadets are: Cadet Corporal Lillah Powells from the Army Cadet Force, Cadet Amber McLean from Gloucestershire Police Cadets, Chloe Tootell from the Girl Guides, Able Cadet Reuben Miles of the Forest of Dean Sea Cadets and Cadet Cameron Morton from the Air Cadets.
The team will be supported by Lily Stinton from the Girl Guides, Cadet Grace Logan from the Air Cadets and Cadet Corporal Tazmin Crook from the Army Cadets as deputies before becoming Mayor’s Cadets next year.
The cadets were then presented with their badges of office by Cllr Penny.
The first public engagement for the new Mayor’s Cadets came a week after the inaugural meeting when they supported the Chair of the Forest Council’s civic carol service which was held at Coleford Baptist Church.
The idea for a Mayor’s Cadet scheme was suggested by Second Lieutenant Sarah Stokes of the Coleford platoon of the army cadets.
Cllr Penny said: “When Sarah approach me to explore having a Mayor’s Cadet it was important to find a model that gave real opportunities for the young people, rather than simply providing a ceremonial role.
“We met with other youth organisations and quickly found the appetite to create a group of Mayor's Cadets who could work together and represent the youth voice of Coleford and contribute to civic events.”