A hairdressers can continue operating from a house in Coalway after councillors rejected a recommendation from officials.

The owners of number seven Holcot Road applied for “retrospective” planning permission to continue running the salon from their home.

Planning officials had recommended refusing permission because of the impact on the privacy of a neighbour and increased parking on Holcot Road.

But members of the Forest Council’s development control committee agreed to the ‘change of use’ application which allows the salon, called Zochi, to operate from the house.

Owner Mrs Zoe Childs said the salon started operating from the house nearly two years ago after their shop in Monmouth was forced to close.

She told the committee: “My family and I have lived at Holcot Road for the past nine years and Zochi Hairdressing has been trading from our home for the last 21 months.

“My husband has been cutting hair since he was 15 and in the 24 months leading up to the closure of our salon in Monmouth we used personal finance to try and ride out the rising cost of rent, rates, utilities, stock and the realities Covid left many businesses in until we had no option but to close and come off the High Street.

“To provide an income for our family we started working from home. We registered our business using all the correct insurances and we paid business rates from the beginning.

“Although we got it wrong in the type of planning we should have had at that point, we have worked extremely hard to meet the planning regulations.

“The majority of our customers walk to their appointments, however we have been mindful and worked with clients who choose to drive.

“We provide details on where to park and ask them not to obstruct entrances

“We had a parking survey which concluded Holcot Road continues to be safe and usable for residents.

“We’ve been attentive and thoughtful in relation to privacy of our neighbours. We have planted around our garden creating natural screens.

“We run the salon wuth an appointment system to control numbers.

“Clients backs face neighbouring properties and seating is focussed on privacy

“Neighbours say they use their homes inside and out in the way they have always used them. They have assured us there is no privacy issue.

“We have worked from 7 Holcot Road for the last 21 months without issues or incidents. We would very much like to continue to provide this service. We have and always will be considerate to others.

“We have done this as a way of surviving and providing for our family and we are overwhelmed with the amount of support locally.”

Of the 22 comments received by the council on the application, only one raised objections.

Coleford councillors Clive Elsmore and Ian Whitburn were among the committee members who supported the application.

Cllr Elsmore said: “You can’t get a hair cut on Ebay so the amenity for the people of Coleford is a must.

“We need to ensure the project goes ahead and doesn’t get clobbered by bureaucracy.”

Cllr Whitburn said: “I’ve had contact from residents supporting this application and I realise there is an objection as well

“I’ve parked on Holcot Road on many occasions without any trouble and there’s a little car park on the other part of Holcot Road.

“Overall this is a good application. They’ve been trading there for some time and a lot of local people use it.”

The application was approved with conditions including opening hours and limiting the permission to the current owners.