PATIENT satisfaction in Gloucestershire is above the national average according to this year’s GP’s Patient Survey. 

The results showed the overall satisfaction of patients in Gloucestershire is 79%, while the national average is 74%. 

The annual survey assesses patients’ experiences of healthcare services provided by GP practices. This includes confidence and trust in healthcare professionals and the ease of making appointments. 

The results showed confidence and trust in the county’s GP practice teams at 94%, with 90% of patients reporting they felt listened to at their appointment. 94% reported they felt involved in decisions about their care and treatment.

Dr Ananthakrishnan Raghuram MBE, Chief Medical Officer at NHS Gloucestershire, said: “We welcome these results which show that patients’ overall experience with Gloucestershire GP practices is positive, above the national average and amongst the highest in the South West.

“This is testament to the commitment of GP surgery teams across the county who have been working incredibly hard to provide the best possible care under great pressure.

“GP surgeries are facing a record increase in requests from patients whilst many are experiencing staffing and financial pressures. They deserve huge recognition for their dedication to patient care and their work to embrace innovative practices and local partnerships.

“However, we are not complacent as we know that not all patients report a positive experience. There is some variability for patients across the county accessing appointments and some patients have had to wait longer than any of us would like for non-urgent appointments.

“NHS Gloucestershire recognises the urgent need to work with all partners – locally and nationally – to tackle the underlying pressures on GP practices and their teams.”

Helen Goodey, Director of Primary Care and Place at NHS Gloucestershire said: “There are many challenges in primary care and the pressure is unrelenting.

“We are pleased that the continued focus on improving access and patient experience is reflected in the survey results, but more needs to be done at every level to support the sustainability of general practice and provide a more secure future.”

Further details and results of the survey can be found online