A GLOUCESTERSHIRE student is taking the lead on a special large scale event whilst on her work placement at University.

Maddie Thwaites, a BA (Hons) Marketing, Advertising and Branding student at the University of Gloucestershire, will design and deliver a student social event being held September 20 from 4pm to 8pm at Gloucester Quays.

The event will feature entertainment, exclusive discounts for students, activities and opportunities to win prizes.

Maddie said: “This placement so far at Gloucester Quays has been an incredible learning experience, with so many opportunities to grow and learn. I thoroughly enjoy immersing myself in the dynamic environment and contributing to our exciting campaigns.  

“This placement is providing me with invaluable hands-on experience that I believe will be critical in shaping my future career in marketing. The experience and networks I'm building here are truly exciting and open up a world of possibilities for my career aspirations. 

“I’m particularly looking forward to our upcoming Student Social event. The event was already being dreamt up, but having a resident student helped it come to life, along with my insider knowledge of what students want to see and do. 

“It’s going to be a fantastic opportunity to connect and engage with our student community whilst providing a relaxed and chilled environment for the students to get to know each other in.”

Maddie is on a one year placement as a marketing assistant at Gloucester Quays, putting her academic skills into practice. 

Matt Barr, Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the University, said: “I’m delighted that Maddie has a marketing placement opportunity with Gloucester Quays and that in her first few months on the job will be planning and implementing an event for students.  

“Maddie’s course includes digital marketing, communications, and event planning – the skills needed to make an impact and bring together students and local businesses."

You can find out more about the event via the Gloucester Quays website.