RESIDENTS are being given an opportunity to express their views on the condition of roads in the county after a new survey was launched.

The survey from Gloucestershire County Council asks residents for their views on a number of highways issues, including road condition, grass verges, pavements, street lighting, road signs and more.

The council wants to gather more detail on what residents think at a local level.

They’re also offering anyone who completes the survey the opportunity to take part in further focus groups to offer more detailed feedback.

Cllr. Dom Morris, cabinet member for highways and flooding, said: “We want to listen to resident concerns about everything our highways teams look after.

"We know the biggest concerns are often about road condition, so we are getting on with our £100m resurfacing programme.

"With the better weather we’re also now able to double our efforts with an intensive ‘summer of resurfacing’ to get us in a strong position for winter.”

The survey, which closes on August 1, can be found here.

Reporting highways issues can be done online at Your Highways - Report it - Highways (