Last week as the UK celebrated Valentines Day how were you feeling?
It can be the happiest of days for some while others hide away as they are fed up of seeing all the people who are loved up and together, there are many of course who love being on their own and each are equally fine.
For many years I was on my own so one year having decided not to have yet another 'singledom' Valentines Day sat alone in my flat I set off for the cinema thinking I would blend into the crowd so no one would know my situation (not sure why that mattered so much to me back then). Anyway, I took my seat sure that others would come and sit next me however how wrong I was! Couples did come and sit in the row however left a seat each side of me I guess thinking someone was joining me...... so there I was in a crowded cinema in my own way declaring to the audience unintentionally I was single! To make it worse the film I watched, 'Stepmom' must be the saddest one ever! Looking back, it was funny and I now realise it didn’t matter to anyone else only me, but at the time it added to my woes for me personally of being alone on Valentines Day.
I did however come to realise over time that the most important person there is to love is ourselves for if we aren’t doing that it is difficult for any of us to give or indeed receive love from others. It may sound big headed for any of us to say ‘I love myself’ but it is something that is so necessary for us all. You don’t always have to use these words but showing yourself love will assist both your mental and physical health.
Self- care is after all about self-love, the more we recongnise this the calmer we can be. Life is tough at times and we can berate ourselves for not always making the right choices but when this happens turn it around and say to yourself ‘I chose the best for me at the time, I will embrace and accept the choices I made and I shall move on with love for me and my strength’.
In business at the moment, there is a lot of noise about ‘being yourself’ and quite honestly that is how I have always looked to work and live, again surely if you love who you are then being yourself comes naturally. There should be no trying, tbh I would find it hard to remember who I was at any given time should I change me to fit any given situation.
I just want to say there is a difference between loving you are to flying around on your ego, often people with big egos can come across as loving themselves however in my work I have often found the opposite to be true. These folk often don’t love themselves, in fact quite the opposite, it is the quiet ones, the ones who express kindness to themselves and others who are the ones that are quietly confident in their own skin.
So, today I want you to love yourself, give yourself a hug and know that you are just by being you the best version of yourself and that is what the world loves about you.
© Beverley Jones –