Schools in the Forest of Dean are invited to apply for funding to help them take part in the internationally recognised Eco-Schools Green Flag programme.  

The initiative - which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year - introduces students of all ages to global environmental issues, including around waste, water, litter, biodiversity and energy, and encourages pupils to deliver eco-projects that will make their schools more sustainable, increase environmental learning and benefit their local community.  

The funding from the Forest of Dean District Council will cover the registration costs for up to 12 local primary and secondary schools. In addition, the council is offering a £100 top-up per school which can be put towards equipment to support their chosen activities and projects. 

Councillor Jackie Fraser, Cabinet Member for Environment at Forest of Dean District Council, said: “We are delighted to be offering funding for the Eco-Schools programme for a second year. Last year, 12 local schools took up the challenge and we hope more schools will be inspired by their progress and put themselves forward to take part in this important initiative so that more young people can be supported to take positive action to protect the environment. 

“In addition to the funding, each participating school will be matched to a mentor for extra support and this year we’re also inviting teachers who are leading on the work within their schools to be part of our Green Educators Network. This new initiative will give teachers the opportunity to collaborate and share their experiences of the programme and hear from external speakers who can offer support with running Eco-School activities to maximise the benefits.” 

For the first time, successful schools will also be asked to sign up to the Let’s Go Net Zero ( school campaign. The free campaign provides complementary activities for schools taking part in the Eco-Schools programme and includes the opportunity to get free 1-2-1 support from a Climate Action Adviser as well as access to resources to develop a school climate action plan. 

The deadline for applications for Eco-Schools funding from the Forest of Dean District Council is 10am on Monday, September 30.