Forest of Dean District Council has agreed its budget for the next financial year, ensuring the continued delivery of high-quality local services and investment for the benefit of residents across the Forest of Dean.

Cabinet Member for Finance, Cllr Andy Moore said:“I am pleased that we have delivered a budget that not only continues to deliver high-quality services but also allows us to tackle some of the key issues we know matter to residents of the Forest of Dean.

“Despite the financial pressures that all councils are facing, we have delivered a balanced budget that has seen several key services brought back in house for the benefit of our residents, without having to resort to using any unexpected reserves.

“Having spoken to residents we also know how important the delivery and reliability of our day-to-day services is. Therefore, we’ve set funding aside to enhance those services, including the funding of new waste vehicles to ensure that we are equipped to deliver the best possible services for residents now and into the future. I am pleased to say the changes to the car parking charges that were agreed by council last year has meant that car parking has paid for itself in 2024/2025.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took part in the Budget consultation this year. At the Forest of Dean District Council, we want to include and engage with as many residents as possible, and your feedback has helped us to strike the right balance with our budget.”

The past year has seen the council working to bring several services back in house. Around 100 employees have now returned to direct council employment, having moved from Publica Group Ltd (Publica), allowing Forest of Dean District Council to take greater control of council services for the benefit of residents. There will be further services brought back under Forest of Dean District Council control in 2025 and the funding for the transition of employees has been completed without the use of any unearmarked reserves.

To ensure that services continue to be of the highest quality, Forest of Dean District Council has also agreed to use £2.4 million of capital spend to fund six new standard fuel recycling vehicles and one electric recycling vehicle. This will enable waste collection services to remain of the highest standard, whilst continuing the Council’s plan to explore all options to help cut emissions and improve air quality in the district.

Forest of Dean District Council’s budget is funded through council tax paid by residents, a share of business rates, and income from services like parking and government grants. 9.24 per cent of the full council tax bill paid by residents is given to Forest of Dean District Council. The majority goes to Gloucestershire County Council and Gloucestershire Police, with local town or parish councils receiving the remainder.

The Forest of Dean District Council part of this year’s council tax bill will rise by 12p a week for Band D properties.