The 1992 movie, “A few Good Men” has a well-known court room scene in which a lawyer, played by Tom Cruise, is questioning an American Army Colonel, played by Jack Nicholson.

The Colonel is avoiding full disclosure to the point where Cruise cries out “I want the truth!”, to which Nicholson shouts back, “You can’t handle the truth!”. It was a powerful scene within the movie and a pivotal moment in the plot.

I was recently reminded how modern society understands “truth” as a relative concept, something which can have versions.

I’ve heard of individuals “living their truth”. However, such a view cannot be accurate.

Truth must be an absolute, totally honest and totally factual, should there be “versions” it could no longer exist as truth.

In the Gospel of John chapter 14, Jesus is speaking reassurance to his followers concerning an eternal future.

Under questioning from a disciple He says “I am the way the truth and the life”. Notice He says “I am truth”, not I know the truth or here is a truth, but He IS truth.

In a world that can speak lies as if they are true and often does not confess wrongdoing once found out, Jesus is pointing us to an absolute, Himself.

Are you looking for the way forward? Do you want to enjoy everyday life with a clear hope for tomorrow? Why not seek out something solid, unfailing and infallible? Seek out “The Truth”, He’s waiting for your attention.