AN illustrated presentation about the history of Ethiopia’s rich and vibrant culture is being held this Saturday.

The presentation by Lisa Shekede and Stephen Rickerby focuses on the culture and conflict in Ethiopia: from saving wall paintings to saving lives is being given at St Mary’s Church, Ross-on-Wye, on Saturday, June 1 at 7pm.

Lisa and Stephen, who are both residents of Ross and their professional careers are in cultural heritage, first visited Ethiopia in 2013 to help preserve ancient wall paintings in remote rock-cut churches.

This was the beginning a decade-long involvement with the country’s culture and its people. Over this period their efforts shifted to providing humanitarian assistance, a task that became more pressing with the outbreak of civil conflict in 2020.

This is when they founded Desta Ethiopia, a UK-registered charity, that operates without political affiliation or religious or ethnic bias to provide support.

Their presentation will describe the history of the country’s rich and vibrant culture, illustrated with stunning images of the country’s mountain landscapes and painted rock-cut churches.

They will also describe the origins and activities of their ongoing charity work, which is now providing help to many people in great need.

Entrance tickets are £8 at the door. Refreshments will be available.