The excitement is now growing at Smiths Newent Auctions as they look forward to their Antiques and Collectables sale on the February 13-14. The sale includes a fantastic selection of interesting antiques and unusual collectables.
On Thursday the sale begins with a large selection of ceramics and glass including collectable pieces as well as decorative items ranging from pottery to fine porcelain and some stunning coloured studio glass. This is followed by the silver section which features an extensive selection of good quality lots including collectables such as a smart Sampson & Mordan silver penknife to larger items such as a heavy Victorian silver tray with shell cast edge and claw feet. A beautiful Edwardian silver chatelaine decorated with an Art Nouveau female mask to the belt clip includes a comprehensive range of useful accessories such as thimble case, smelling salts, scissors, notebook, tape measure and so forth.

This would have been given to the lady of the house to symbolize her status and role in the home, more likely to have been worn as a fashionable piece of jewellery more than a truly useful item.
The sale also features a special section of Militaria which spans a good range of medals as well as collectable items such as badges, uniforms and swords. There is a small selection of coins including gold sovereigns, half sovereigns and various silver coins. A pair of Gloucester Regiment WWI medals belonged to a soldier from Cinderford whilst other local interest items from the same vendor include a commemorative Queen Victorian cup from Mitcheldean and a Ruardean cup made for the visit of The Duke of Kent in 1934.

The book section often takes a low profile but sells well online to specialist dealers and private collectors. This sale includes a very rare edition of Darwin’s Origin of Species published in 1860 and with an end paper missing the book is still expected to make £800/£1200. Of particular note is an interesting clipping stuck in the front cover from Punch’s Almanack dated 1870. This comic piece mocks Darwin’s theory, saying we will all eventually become ducks with eyes in our tails, then lobsters or dinosaurs before the world explodes – how wrong they were!

Other sections of the sale include a fantastic range of interesting collectables such as an antique copper teddy bear ice cream mould, an elegant Victorian pocket barometer in original case and a Welsh carved knitting sheath monogrammed and dated 1846. Beautifully patinated and carved this would more likely have been a meaningful gift - much like a Welsh love spoon, rather than used for knitting. This one certainly does not show much sign of wear and tear, whereas a plainer example in a mixed group of collectables looks like it has had a much harder life!

The second day of the sale also covers a good range of antique furniture as well as some very attractive paintings and many other furnishings and effects. The fully illustrated catalogue is available online with viewing on the 11th and 12th of February from 10am to 5pm as well as on the morning of the sales from 9am to 10am.

Entries are invited for Smiths March sale which features a special section for silver, gold and jewellery as well as the usual diverse range of antiques. Please telephone 01531 821776 for an appointment