Throughout the autumn, The Sanctuary Studio and Gallery presents The Essence, a new exhibition by respected British painter Alice Sheridan.

Alice's paintings explore landscape through the lens of abstraction, by distilling essential visual elements down to a simplified language of colour, and articulating the vitality of the natural world through the expressive potential of the painted mark.

Her works respond not just to the visual experience of landscape, but to the sensory, to the movement of air and to sounds, capturing the very essence of what it means to exist in the beauty and majesty of the world and linking our outer experiences with our reflective inner world.

First taught by Robin Child, the acclaimed artist and former Head of Art of Marlborough College, Alice graduated with a BA Hons in Graphic Design from Nottingham Trent University and then worked in a number of London design studios.

Her graphic design background is evident in the structure and balance of her beautiful paintings.

Alice has been selected for Discerning Eye at London's Mall Galleries, and for the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, and has exhibited at The Society of Women Artists.

She is also widely known as the co-host of the Art Juice podcast, which has so far achieved over 4.4million downloads, and as the founder of membership club The Connected Artist, which helps working artists build a sustaining creative practice.

On show beside Alice's paintings are ceramics by artists Nicola Martin, Yvette Glaze, Sue Mundy, Sarah Dunstan, Tiffany Scull and Lucy Burley.

Alice said: ““I have always been interested in the balance of chaos and control, and painting gives me a way to embrace both of these states: a necessary loosening up and a considered adjustment and refinement. When I draw in open space, I am responding to the movement of the air and the sounds as much as the things I see. I am trying to capture the essence - a deep need and sense to be recognised in an expansive world. Recently I have been working with fluid layers, which need a physicality to make expressive marks and sometime gentle coaxing.”

The gallery is also showing a collection of handcrafted organic jewellery by Lucy Spink, which is inspired by the ancient landscape of the South West.

See The Essence from Saturday (September 14) until November 1 at The Sanctuary Studio, High Street, Newnham GL14 1BB.