THE workers at Yorkley Court Community Farm face eviction after failing in their bid to gain planning permission for 15 temporary homes.

Gemma Gear, a member of the 30-acre community farm for the past two-and-a-half years, informed planners that the community was made up of individuals from various backgrounds, of all ages.

She said: "We aim to be self-reliant through growing our own food, sourcing our own energy and making things we need.

"Intensive farming is unsustainable.

"With it, traditional skills and knowledge have been lost, along with relationships with the land. Rising CO² emissions and global warming necessitate eco-farming practises that are not reliant on fossil fuels.

"For sustainable farming to be supported, more affordable and on-site accommodation is needed."

The farmers received support from West Dean Parish Council, who support their sustainable venture.

For the full story read The Forester.