A CAR loaded with around £700,000 worth of class A drugs was intercepted by police on the Welsh border last week during the latest phase of a regional drugs crackdown.
Officers spotted the car travelling through Gloucester and tracked it through the Forest and on to Gwent, where they managed to stop it and found seven kilos of class A drugs on board.
The driver has been charged with possession with intent to supply and remanded in custody.
The South West Regional Organised Crime Unit worked with the Gloucestershire and Avon and Somerset police forces to track the vehicle until they were “in a position to strike”, a spokesperson said.
Gwent Police, Tarian Regional Organised Crime Unit, and Merseyside Police also played a part in the hit.
The action was part of a regional intelligence-led drugs operation supported by all five police forces in the South West, which ran from March 27 to April 2.
Elsewhere, more than three quarters of a million pounds worth of class A and B drugs were seized and 121 drugs arrests made during seven days of raids relating to warrants in Gloucestershire and other parts of the region.
More than £100,000 in cash was also recovered along with 173 weapons, a number of vehicles and other equipment used for crime.
In Gloucestershire alone there were 22 arrests, £30,000 worth of class A and B drugs and £7,500 cash recovered, five vehicles impounded and a number of weapons conviscated.
It was the latest in a series of week-long operations in the South West, which are part of an anti-drugs strategy launched last year.
Gloucestershire Constabulary’s Superintendent Paul Keasey, who led the operation, said: “This has been an outstanding week of action with some fantastic results which demonstrate the value of the five forces working together and sends out the strongest message possible that the South West is no place for drugs.
“Not only have we been able to recover a large quantity of drugs and disrupted gangs and individuals who deal in them, we have also taken a number of dangerous weapons off the streets, making the region a much safer place.
"As well as commending the officers who took part, I want to thank the public who have come forward in their numbers with the information that has made these operations possible and contributed so much to their success.
“Together with our partners we have also sought to strengthen the support and safeguarding activity to the vulnerable, as well as providing educational material to schools detailing the issues and impact of taking drugs.
“The support of the public throughout the operation has been fantastic.
"Many of the activities delivered were as a result of concerns raised by, or using information provided by, the public.
"Their support and willingness to share their concerns about illegal activities has allowed us to make the South West a hostile environment for criminals.
"As demonstrated during the past week, we will always act upon the information communities provide.”
Chris Nelson, Police and Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire, said: "The principle of co-operation across our five forces enables us to share best practice and helps tackle the problem of anti-social drugs in our communities.
"Operations so far have produced excellent results that provide tangible evidence of the value of closer collaboration.
"Commissioners across our region wanted a show of policing strength to demonstrate that we stand by those who say we will not tolerate flagrant law-breaking any longer.
"Help for those who want to get off drugs is available, but those who persist in dealing and taking drugs in our region will discover that the South West is no place for drugs.
"Our officers also appreciate the renewed focus on proactive operations, and the return to traditional policing that takes a zero-tolerance approach to a crime that has for too long antagonised local communities."