AN innovative physical activity game has hit the streets of Cinderford transforming the town into a giant game. 

The Beat the Street game will take place until Wednesday, July 24 thanks to funding from Active Gloucestershire and a National Lottery grant from Sport England. 

The game encourages people to get outside and to get active and is open to anyone of any age who would like to take part. It works by turning the town into a real-life game with special sensors called Beat Boxes appearing on lampposts around the town. 

Those wishing to play can pick up a free contactless card from one of the distribution points. Players then walk, cycle or wheel between the 36 Beat Boxes which are spaced half-a-mile apart. The further players travel, the more points they score. 

Sarah Haden, director of people and partnerships at Active Gloucestershire said: “We are incredibly excited to be bringing Beat the Street to Cinderford. We know that one of the best things people can do for their physical and mental health is to move more and to get out into green space where possible, and Beat the Street really helps people do just that in a fun and engaging way.    “It’s free to take part and it’s open to everyone regardless of age, ability or background. It’s an inclusive game that encourages you to exercise from your front door and to clock up the miles within the game framework.” 

Beat the Street has been proven to significantly increase physical activity amongst adults and children, it can also help reduce congestion, improve air quality, and help families spend more time in green spaces together.