A CINDERFORD man who violently attacked a woman after she rejected sexual advances has been jailed for four years.

Lyndon Davies had bought a sex aid because medical problems had affected intimate relations – but the woman said she wanted nothing to with it.

Later, when she had told him to leave, he attacked her – pushing her down onto her sofa, pulling down her trousers and underwear, Gloucester Crown Court heard.

Sentencing him to four years, Judge Ian Lawrie QC told him he had done was an act of violence and an abuse of trust.

Prosecutor Giles Nelson said: “The day in question began at 8am with a series of sexualised text messages, one of which included a picture of a naked woman.

“Davies later attended the woman’s address and while they were in the kitchen he put on the strap-on sex aid. She emphatically told him no. Davies stormed off to the bedroom.

“As they went down stairs he started to kick things around. The pair then ended up in the kitchen where she waited for Davies to leave.

“It was at this point Davies pushed the woman aside and down onto the sofa. Davies then leaned over her and in a tussle he pulled her jogging bottoms and underwear down and forced his hand inside her. She screamed loudly as she felt that Davies was being very violent towards her and she felt she was in a lot of pain.

“Davies put his forearm over her face and into her neck and pushed down on her chest with his body weight. Again she screamed at him to get off and told him he was hurting her neck.

“The woman resorted to digging her fingernails into his body, which had the desired effect of making Davies release his grip on her and he let her sit up.

“Davies then pushed down harder on her and put her hand across her throat. She managed to wriggle free and grabbed her clothing and she ran out of the house. She then called the police.”

Davies was arrested from his home address where he broadly accepted his offending to police.

Davies told the judge from the dock: “My blood cells are attacking my internal organs. I am now very deaf and having problems with my kidneys. I also have 30 per cent lung capacity and diabetes.

“I was first diagnosed a couple of years ago with this rare condition. I have already undergone heart surgery and am facing another period of chemotherapy.

“The prognosis is treatable, but not curable. Basically I am falling apart at the seams.”

Simon Burch, defending, said “At this time Davies was feeling inadequate and thought he was a failure in the sex department.

“He said he no longer got sexual gratification in the normal way because of his erectile dysfunction.

“This doesn’t excuse his actions, but it is offered as an explanation.

“Davies was not drunk and his actions were not malicious.

“Davies is a qualified plumber and electrician, but is currently out of work.”

Judge Lawrie observed: “Davies has confronted his offending and was wise enough to admit this to the police when he was arrested.

“He has a difficult medical future ahead of him.”

The judge told Davies “Your relationship with this woman was tumultuous.

“It was deeply troubled. What you did was to arrange to meet her because you wanted to try and correct your dysfunction with the use of sex aids.

“You were emotionally troubled by this.

“But you indulged in finger penetration with some force. This was not just coercive, but extremely physical.

“This was an act of violence and an abuse of trust.”

The judge jailed Davies for four years and subjected him to a restraining order which bars him from contacting his victim for 14 years.

Davies was also placed on the sex offenders’ register for life.