THE Government is doing everything it can to meet the Prime Minister’s pledge to halve inflation. 

That means making responsible decisions, even if they are difficult. If not, we risk making inflation worse.

We are rightly proud of our world-class public servants and that is why the Government will be delivering one of the highest pay settlements in more than two decades, recognising the extraordinary cost of living pressures the country is currently facing.

The Government has stuck to its word and will be accepting the headline recommendations of the Pay Review Bodies in full – increasing pay by up to 17.4 per cent for teachers, 10 per cent for junior doctors, and 10 per cent for our armed forces and prison officers.

Our plan is fair to the taxpayer and will not fuel inflation, with no new borrowing or spending to fund these awards. 

More borrowing would simply add more pressure on inflation at exactly the wrong time, risking higher interest rates and higher mortgage rates and making the Bank of England’s job harder. 

Given the spending involved in public sector pay, we have to be responsible.

I welcomed the news that all school strikes across the country will be suspended as a result of our public sector pay settlement, ensuring certainty for parents and teachers. 

Our plan will deliver the biggest pay increase for teachers in 30 years and see a typical teacher taking home an additional £2,700.

It is encouraging that the education unions have themselves confirmed that this pay offer is properly funded and have therefore recommended to their members an end to the entire dispute. 

The Government appreciates the work that teachers do every day across our country, but it is vital that any disruption to education is kept to a minimum to allow students to flourish.

It is now clear that momentum across our public services is shifting and the vast majority, who just want to get on with serving others, are now returning to work.

Contact me: [email protected] | | House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA | @Mark_J_Harper |